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Welcome to third grade!

Remote Learning

We will be continuing our remote learning after Spring Break. We will be providing paper packets that can be picked up in the office and posting assignments online. I will be uploading weekly assignmets to the 3rd grade remote learning folder on the VGS website and the class dojo account I have set up. Please accept the the dojo invite to see all of the assignments. To find the weekly assignments, click on the Weekly Lesson Plans tab at the top of this page. If you have any questions, please contact me through class dojo or by email.

School Mission Statement

The mission of Vienna Public School District #55 is to serve every student so that he/she will be provided an equal opportunity to achieve maximum potential. The teachers and staff will strive to increase achievement, while recognizing the unique nature of each student. These goals will be achieved within a caring and structured environment that emphasizes individual responsibility and social values.

Our Specials Schedule

  • Art- Monday 12:45

  • P. E.- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10:30

  • Music- Wednesday and Friday 10:00

  • Computers- Tuesday and Thursday 10:30

  • Library- Tuesday and Thursday 1:00

  • Gifted Art- Friday 1:45

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